Joint Peace Arthritis Blend is an organic—and delicious—herbal tea designed to help soothe achy joints. Do your joints feel stiff after exercise? Or do they ache from wear and tear? If so, then give Joint Peace a try.
This tea combines several potent botanicals for greatest effect. Overall the cup tastes warming and a tad spicy, with cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric. Honeybush adds a smooth, sweet note to the body. Then devil’s claw and white willow bark bring some classic herbal wisdom to bear on joint pain. This tea’s texture feels a bit thick on the tongue, especially after a long steep; slippery elm steeps up somewhat viscous, with a soothing, coating effect on the digestive tract.
As with most functional tea blends, a longer steep time and regular consumption may lead to greater health benefits. Drink Joint Peace Arthritis Blend often!
South African honeybush*, white willow bark*, devil’s claw*, slippery elm*, nettles*, ginger*, turmeric*, goji berry*, cinnamon*, black pepper*, *organic