Holy Water has deep roots in Indian culture and Ayurvedic philosophies. Our Holy Water, or tulsi, blends three varieties, all with different flavors:
- Rama Basil: smooth, cooling
- Vana Basil: sweet, minty
- Krishna Basil: spicy, peppery
This blend tastes a little spicy, a little zippy, with a basil sweetness coming through as the flavor lingers. It steeps up a beautiful, hard-to-define color: very dark, but translucent, so it seems to change color when light passes through it. A short steep tastes smoother, while a longer steep brings out the peppery notes.
Holy Water is one of the oldest herbs in Ayurvedic medicine, with a long list of reported health benefits. Primarily, it’s believed to help regulate the immune system and reduce stress levels. It also works as an adaptogen, as a detox herb, and it fits well into a daily practice of mindfulness and self-care. What’s more, modern studies agree that tulsi is safe and effective for easing a wide variety of health conditions. Give this ancient Indian remedy a try: a treat for both your palate and your spirit.
Rama basil*, Krishna basil*, Vana basil*, *organic